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DiveIn Governance

DiveIn Directorate

The Directorate comprises four Co-Chairs sharing leadership through a biennial rotation to cover the four directorial positions. 

  • Professor Ross Forgan

    DiveIn Director
    School of Chemistry

    Professor Ross Forgan currently holds the position of CDT Director, with overall responsability for the delivery of the CDT. 

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  • Dr Caroline Müllenbroich

    Connect Lead
    School of Physics & Astronomy

    Dr Caroline Müllenbroich is the current Lead for the Connect pillar, responsible for strategic approaches to link potential applicants, PGRs, the wider DiveIn community, and the broader R&I sector.

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  • Professor Caroline Gauchotte-Lindsay

    Belong Lead
    James Watt School of Engineering

    Professor Caroline Gauchotte-Lindsay is the current Lead for the Belong pillar, responsible for transforming connections into collaborations, PGRs into excellent interdisciplinary researchers, and DiveIn members into a community with a sense of common journey.

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  • Professor Qammer Abbasi

    Thrive Lead
    James Watt School of Engineering

    Professor Qammer Abbasi is the current Lead for the Thrive pillar, responsible for the success of PGRs, supervisors, and the DiveIn model beyond the CDT lifetime.

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This diagram depicts the governance structure of DiveIn. The International Steering Group and Management Sponsors support the Management Committee. The CDT Directorate is led by the CDT Director, to which the Leads for Connect, Belong and Thrive pillars report, as well as the CDT Coordinator. The latter is supported by a team based at the Doctoral Training Hub, with staff supporting the areas of administration, events, engagement and training. Student representatives, school representatives, and portfolio managers, are also part of the Management Committee, which received overall guidance from management mentors.

CDT Management Structure

Management Mentors

Senior academics with extensive experience of running multi-million, multi-year investments, act as Management Mentors for the Directorate. 

  • Professor Daniele Faccio

    Professor of Quantum Technologies
    School of Physics & Astronomy
  • Professor Margaret  Lucas

    Regius Chair of Civil Engineering and Mechanics
    James Watt School of Engineering
  • Professor Alessandro Vinciarelli 

    Professor of Computational Social Intelligence & SOCIAL AI CDT Director
    School of Computing Science

Management Sponsors

Management Sponsors provide senior-level governance over Key performance Indicators (KPIs), risk register and overall quality assurance (QA). This is supported by the International Steering Group (ISG).

  • Professor Muhammad Imran

    Dean of Graduate Studies
    College of Science & Engineering
  • Professor Margaret Lucas

    Dean of Research
    College of Science & Engineering