DfT is confident that the broad scope of the proposal will generate knowledge and outputs which are aligned with DfT’s published Areas of Research Interest, and that engaging with the centre’s participants will make a positive contribution to the development of policy and operational solutions to DfT’s Strategic Goals.
We regard the development of a pipeline of policy-adept early career researchers with a diversity of backgrounds, perspectives, and experience as a crucial enabler for the development and delivery of innovative and effective future government policy.
DiveIn’s innovative approach to recruitment and training of CDT participants has the potential to tap into knowledge and experience which has historically been under-represented, and make a valuable contribution. Additionally, this CDT will serve to enrich the production and sharing of knowledge through its structural commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) ensuring that a diversity of experiences are captured in the academic discourse.
We intend to embed collaboration with DiveIn through the hosting of up to ten PhD interns across DfT’s sites during the Centre’s programme. We will also be delighted to work with this CDT to identify further opportunities to share learning and provide familiarisation, learning and collaborative opportunities both for DiveIn’s participants and our policy officials. To this end, we would also welcome the chance to participate in research problem and project development for DiveIn’s participants, providing the opportunity for CDT members to collaborate with officials to tackle real-world policy and operational challenges, should this be of interest.
We would be delighted to work with DiveIn to identify additional opportunities for collaboration and knowledge sharing as the CDT progresses.