Our experience from working in European projects, which stimulates collaboration between Industry, Academia, Public Sector and NGOs and Third Sector Organisations has made us appreciate that cross-sectoral collaboration, that is both inclusive and diverse, is critical to address societal, environmental and economic challenges and optimise impact.
Our background is in healthcare and my interests are non-clinical; links between health and food, water, energy, built environment, etc. Many of my projects focus on inclusivity through engagement with and collaboration with diverse groups of stakeholders and in addressing a just transition, health inequalities, digital inequalities and geographic inequalities: SHINE, MOVE, TESTED, FARMWISE, FISHEUTRUST, MC2, Water Stewardship.
My interest in DiveIn is the potential to support Mission-Driven Research by creating cross-sectoral clusters that utilise enabling technologies that address the Wicked Problems that need to be tackled if we are to address Sustainable Development Goals. Issues, such as poverty, impact on a diverse number of sectors including health, food, energy, the built environment and many more. The ability to support DiveIn through the co-design of impactful Doctorate Training opportunities, which could support a wider programme of collaboration to address shared priorities from across Scotland, Europe and beyond, is an exiting and challenging prospect.
Net Zero offers opportunities to deliver a Just Transition that stimulates sustainable socio-economic communities whilst addressing not only global warming but the pollution in our soils and in our water. Combining academic expertise and emerging technologies and applying those outcomes and outputs to established frameworks, such as the UN SDGs or the Global Green and Healthy Hospitals creates impact that is both diverse and scalable.
Stonnivation would like to support DiveIn with the co-creation of PhD Projects, wider programmes of collaborative research and innovation and in the identification of project partners and funding calls.
Contact: Alan Whiteside, Innovation Director
alan@stonnivation.com 0774 333 585